Troubleshooting LasrPlay Synchronizers

   1.  The most common problem users of the LasrPlay have is forgetting to set the BAUD rate on their LaserDisc players. You need to do this before using the system for the first time. The BAUD rate of the LaserDisc player should be set to the highest rate supported by that player (4800 for the 2000 series, and 9600 for the 4000 and 8000 series). The BAUD rate programmed into a given channel in the LasrPlay using the LasrCust program must match the BAUD rate set on the player connected to that channel. The various channels on a LasrPlay can be set to different BAUD rates, as long as each channel matches the player connected to it. In addition, if you are using a CLD-V8000 you must also select 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. The CLD-V8000 also needs the parameters for "Input Device" set to "serial", and the "RS232 Function" set to "controller". Both the CLD-V4400 and the CLD-V8000 should have the "Termination Character" set to <CR>.

   2. If you plan to not use all of the channels on your synchronizer, the unused channels must have the “Synchronize” parameter turned off. Otherwise they will prevent the rest of the channels from starting.

   3. A common problem with programming the parameters is not resetting the LasrPlay after moving the programming cable from one channel to another. The software will work most of the time without hitting the reset button, but it is only 100% reliable if you hit the reset button and wait for the red lights to turn orange.

   4. Another common problem with programming a multi-channel LasrPlay is forgetting to hit the "L" key to load or read the data from the LasrPlay before changing the parameters.

   5. Also when programming the LasrPlay, don't forget to hit the "S" key after changing parameters in order to save the new parameters. The parameters that you change are only updated in the LasrPlay when you hit the "S" key.

   6. Some customers have reported problems programming the LasrPlays on Windows 95 computers connected to specific Local Area Networks. This hasn't happened often enough for us to determine if this is specific to certain LAN cards or LAN software. If you have this problem, try using a different, stand-alone computer. If you can, please let us know the hardware and software you use for the LAN so we can try and duplicate this problem to solve it.

   7. We have included a special version of the software called LASRCUS2.EXE for those people that have problems caused by local area networks. This software is exactly the same as LASRCUST.EXE except that you can specify the COM: port when you run it. On the command line enter either:

  LASRCUS2   1          ( for COM1: )
  LASRCUS2   2          ( for COM2: )

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